Configuring CSF

Need a hand, contact me @ [email protected].. prefer hangout ? CSF is the commonly used firewall in cpanel server’s. CSF is also called as config server firewall. CSF provide better security for your server and provides an easy management console to manage firewall.CSF also comes with the LFD (Login Failure […]

Reference’s for Beginner (Linux)

Hi, ## Basics ## 1. Introduction to Linux — 2. Linux Architecture — 3. Windows Vs Linux Comparision — 4. Bash Shell features — 5. Linux Directory Structure — 6. Linux Boot Process Detailed explanation – 7. Basic and Common Commands – 8. All […]

Steps to clear virtfs on cpanel server

First make  sure that no users have jailed shell access in the “Manage Shell Access” interface. You can then use the script that you found in the blog post to unmout any bind-mounted directories. for i in `cat /proc/mounts | awk ‘/virtfs/ {print $2}’`; do umount $i;done CPanel also provides […]